Concept: () has developed a surround sensing and collision warning system for more precise construction vehicle maneuvering. It has also partnered with to deliver the off-highway robotics controller (ORC). The ORC is a potent control module that serves as the brain of the automated machine and offers the ability to support and relieve pressure in challenging use cases.

Nature of Disruption: The modular sensor system comprises a range of ultrasonic, radio detection and ranging (radar), and multicamera systems. It enables customers to adapt the systems flexibly to their specific applications and assistance functions. The system combines robustness and a high level of functional safety even under the most difficult off-highway operating conditions. Bosch’s prototype off-highway vision system (OVS) presents the sensor information in a simple visual format. It displays the video stream from the multicamera system and adds an overlay that visually highlights the objects detected within the detection area of the radar and ultrasonic sensors. The system alerts the driver audibly or visually and displays the objects on the display if it discovers individuals or objects in the danger zone. This helps drivers to monitor even the most concealed regions close to their vehicles. The electronic fusion of the sensor data offers the benefits of the different sensor types which improves the performance of the assistance system. The ORC comprises sensors and an electronic control unit (ECU) and forms the connection between the sensor controllers and the machine’s electronic system. It serves as the central hub and provides sensor fusion, terrain mapping, and object localization. The ORC also forms the foundation and the next step for partial and full automation. Moreover, Bosch’s automation software and hardware can easily integrate into Bosch Rexroth digital application solutions (BODAS) digital ecosystem. BODAS offers users a collection of mobile electronics solutions that aid in the digital transformation which boosts output and efficiency while streamlining automation.

Outlook: Many workplace accidents happen on construction sites. Construction vehicle drivers require a full area surrounding the vehicle in view to prevent common injuries caused by construction vehicles which include collisions with people and obstacles. Electronic assistance systems are the first stage of the automated construction site which can improve safety on the site and make driving easy. Bosch intends to address these safety concerns with its modular systems. The assistance systems can decrease the risk of accidents caused by construction vehicles and reduce stress for drivers. They provide direct assistance to workers with functions like load sensing in excavator buckets and a collision warning to safeguard the front and back of the vehicle. Bosch’s modular sensors and systems also offer high flexibility, functional reliability, and robustness. The company boasts that construction vehicle manufacturers can build and develop assistance systems utilizing the ‘plug and play’ approach with its validated, functional basic modular system according to their needs. This includes blind spot monitoring, object recognition, and maneuvering assistance. Bosch claims that its modular systems make the real-time automated construction site of the future.

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